Die angebotenen Wohnungen verfügen über einen praktischen Grundriss und sind vermietet. Ein grüner Innenhof, sowie der direkte Weg an die Spree laden grade in den Sommermonaten zum Verweilen und energietanken ein. Die Übergabe der Wohnung erfolgt
mit dem laufenden Mietvertrag. - Sie haben Interesse am Erwerb mehrerer Wohnungen im Paket? Sprechen Sie uns gerne an! - Aus Gründen von Datenschutz können wir leider keine Fotos der Wohnung zur Verfügung stellen. Haben Sie Interesse? Dann senden Sie die Objekt-Id 40106-1 per WhatsApp oder Signal an 01525 681 3907, per Telegram an VonoviaVerkauf oder per Threema an *VONOVIA. Details zur Datenverarbeitung bei Vonovia finden SIe unter www.vonovia.de/datenschutz.
This well-kept apartment building is located in a quiet street with very good transport connections. The apartments on the upper floors each have a balcony, those on the top floor each have a terrace. There is a large park at the back of the
building. Since the early 1980s, many of the buildings, some of which are a hundred years old, have been modernized. Gaps are closed by new buildings. Housing benefit on request. Floor plan will be submitted later.
This well-kept apartment building is located in a quiet street with very good transport connections. The apartments on the upper floors each have a balcony, those on the top floor each have a terrace. There is a large park at the back of the
building. Since the early 1980s, many of the buildings, some of which are a hundred years old, have been modernized. Gaps are closed by new buildings. Housing benefit on request. Floor plan will be submitted later.
This well-kept apartment building is located in a quiet street with very good transport connections. The apartments on the upper floors each have a balcony, those on the top floor each have a terrace. There is a large park at the back of the
building. Since the early 1980s, many of the buildings, some of which are a hundred years old, have been modernized. Gaps are closed by new buildings. Housing benefit on request. Floor plan will be submitted later.
This well-kept apartment building is located in a quiet street with very good transport connections. The apartments on the upper floors each have a balcony, those on the top floor each have a terrace. There is a large park at the back of the
building. Since the early 1980s, many of the buildings, some of which are a hundred years old, have been modernized. Gaps are closed by new buildings. Housing benefit on request. Floor plan will be submitted later.
This well-kept apartment building is located in a quiet street with very good transport connections. The apartments on the upper floors each have a balcony, those on the top floor each have a terrace. There is a large park at the back of the
building. Since the early 1980s, many of the buildings, some of which are a hundred years old, have been modernized. Gaps are closed by new buildings. Housing benefit on request. Floor plan will be submitted later.